I have wasted my talents so far. And the World laughs at me, just as they laughed at Susan Boyle before they knew her. But one day ~ YOU'LL SEE!
The lyrics tell my message to the world:
All by myself
I don't need anyone at all
I know I'll survive
I know I'll stay alive,
All on my own
I don't need anyone this time
It will be mine
No one can take it from me
You'll see
You think that you are strong, but you are weak
You'll see,
It takes more strength to cry, admit defeat.
I have truth on my side,
You only have deceit
You'll see, somehow, someday
Susan Boyle version. There is no official video. Here's a home-made clips montage layered over the studio recording of this beautiful tune:
Madonna sings. To make the film Evita, she had her voice professionally trained. This recording dates from this time, and is one of Madonna's strongest vocals. The video was shot in Argentina "on my day off from Evita" ~ Madonna complained. But it's quite good: