Well Hello December

November sort of slipped through the cracks but here we are in December and winter has officially arrived. On the very first day of December we were greeted with light flurries which left a delicate dusting of snow all over. It has been flurry-ing lightly every since so we have had a snow covered yard almost all month which makes for high Christmas spirits. And, speaking of the Christmas spirit, I had the pleasure of attending my very first performance of Handel's Messiah Sunday evening. Wow. Marietta College collaborates with the community to put on the performance each year at St. Mary's Catholic church on 4th street. The venue in and of itself is spectacular since the church is huge and beautiful at every turn but the performance was equally breathtaking and so powerful. For a little history on Handel and to watch a performance of the Hallelujah chorus to get you in the spirit, see here.