National Fire Prevention Week

During National Fire Prevention Week, October 3 - 9, 2010 attention is focused on promoting fire safety and prevention, however we should practice fire safety all year long. Many potential fire hazards go undetected because people simply do not take steps to fireproof their home.

Fire Safety Checklist:

    * Install and maintain a working smoke alarm outside of every sleep area and remember to change the battery at least once a year.

    * Designate two escape routes from each bedroom and practice them regularly.

    * Teach everyone the "Stop, Drop, and Roll" technique in case clothing catches on fire.

    * Avoid storing old mattresses in the home or garage.

    * Teach kids that matches, lighters and candles are tools, not toys. If you suspect that a child is playing with fire, check under beds and in closets for telltale signs like burned matches. Matches and lighters should be stored in a secure drawer or cabinet. [source

Meanwhile, somewhere in Manila.
