The Winter of our Disconnect

My weekend brought lots of blessings in rain and cold, dark chocolate, warm blankets and loads of tv and lazy comforts. Its this very lazy attitude that gave me a wake up call after finding a review on a book by Susan Maushart called,"The Winter of our Disconnect" giving living without technology a new meaning. As we all climb on to the band wagon of technology, whether consciously or unconsciously, the fact remains its hit us faster than a blink with no inkling of stopping anytime soon. No one can say that their actually technology free until you make that decision to switch off your mobiles, telephones, television, computers, consoles and the like. 

But Is it that easy? I would think getting away from the television would be easier for me than the mobile as it is my portal to the ones I love...but...anything is possible as this writer set out to prove, in her book, which explores the details of the six months that she and her family disconnected from anything with a screen. She turned off all televisions, computers, internet access and cellphones. While they took to it with a fight they ended up loving it after six months, wanting to stay unplugged. She writes how her kids discovered nature, saxophones, board games and the like...

As i read the review, I remember thinking how resemblant of my childhood which only became filled with television, satellite, telephones and computers later on in life. I was a technology free child - when I was 5 years old the only pass time was looking to nature and around the home for good old fashioned pass-time. I remember exploring the four corners of my house indoors and outdoors was a fascination but ask me to do that now and I wont have the time...dont get me wrong, im still very much a nature driven person. I can sit and enthuse myself with nature for hours but not with an explorable mind like I once did possess. Its because exploration extends as far as google these days - why challenge my mind when I can just google it?  

As we become robots of the world, how easy is it to switch off for you? Can you switch of the computer and walk to the shop to buy the newspaper, can you play  piano and board games in lieu of console games, evening walkings instead of tv or scouting for mushrooms in the rainy season? Is it a bit too healthy for us global technology munchers? 
