You know I stopped feeling depressed totally for a time!! But now the tide is turning. I sleep suspiciously long hours (always a warning). And have nightmares. The night before last I dreamt I was escaping from a Thai prison (too much Midnight Express/Bangcock Hilton I think...)
Bangcock Hilton Customs Scene:
Nicole Kidman acts out every tourist's worst nightmare...
Bangcock Hilton: trip to prison:
The nightmare gets worse...
Bangcock Hilton is a famous Australian-produced mini-series from 1989, starring a very young Nicole Kidman as the poor kid duped into carrying 140g of "number four" heroin out of Thailand...
If you want to see Bangcock Hilton in its entirety, click here ~ running time over 2 hours, so you've been warned!
Now I'm seriously thinking of getting some new robbies, but before I do, posthumous honours must be bestowed on the old lot. Aristocratic titles are usually associated with British towns, so Itchy-san will be The Donkey of Derby (where else?!), Bashful-san ~ who so loved biting me in life ~ can be Nibbleswine of Nottingham in death. And Spherical-sensei (sensei is a more honorific suffix than san, so the name means something like Dr Spherical) is posthumous Trotter General of the Western Isles... That sounds very royal because the Royals are well into Scotland (I think this has to do with retaining a toehold when the future United Kingdom breaks to smithereens, as I would not put it past it to do...
In case any of you don't know, Roborovski hamsters are the tiniest, pingiest hamsters in the world... This picture here gives a good sense of scale compared to the human hand. The tubbiest one here is fully-grown:
Roborovskis are the most social of all hamster species. Their behaviour often mirrors that of others in the group, deliberately or unconsciously:
These tiny animals have huge appetites. You needn't worry about rotting their teeth with sugary treats, as the teeth grow out. Though too much sugar isn't good for their general health (but they love it!) ~ I wouldn't feed even five trotters a biscuit this big ~ about 1" diameter:
And like many small animals, they frequently rotate nests, perhaps having four or five on the go at any one time and show a distinct proclivity for sleeping in what seems to us some slightly bizzarrre places:
Sarcastic Bastard I cannot get through to your blog ~ the internet caff has seen fit to bar access!!