Up in the cherrytrees the fuzzy fledglings tilt heads to heaven and open their golden beaks to trill this spectacular dawn chorus.
When I resided in days of yore in a bourgeois terraced Victorian houseshare I slept with my sash window open wide to wake to the feathery songbirds' community chirping each and every dawn. Here in England the songbirds' spring morning chorus is said to be the most spectacular anywhere in the world and I can believe that.
I think we have a nightingale two trees along from my house. This little brown bird, a little smaller than a thrush, hops across the pavement then flaps up into the canopy when I trot past on my early rounds.
Now the world has sprung open like a fresh new daisy I feel myself living, too.
I can even envisage a future when I'll at long last go places...
This is hardly dawn and doesn't really do justice to the chirrupy amazingness of hundreds of birds at full trill in the first light of dawn, but it's something...
Not dawn either, but nice birdsong. It doesn't sound LOUD enough to me, but there you go... blue tits (etc) land on that lump thing if you keep watching...